SIE submission

Updated on

SIE 76

Create an Entry Thingy Account

First time visitors need to signup for an account.

  1. Choose 'Click here to signup'
  2. Enter your Name
  3. Email
  4. Password
  5. Confirm the password
  6. Select 'Signup'

If a message appears about checking your email address, make sure it is correct and select 'OK.' If necessary 'Cancel' the message and correct your email address before continuing.

Upload artworks

The following screenshots contain "Test" wording and are not applicable to a current Call for entries.

  1. Find the correct show
  2. Select 'Apply now' or the name of the Show
  1. Read the Entry Instructions
  2. Check the acceptance box
  3. Select 'Continue to Next Step'
  1. Choose the best category for your entry (there may only be one)
  2. Describe your work
  3. Select 'terms of entry' and read them
  4. Check the box to agree with the terms
  5. Select 'Save and Continue to Next  Step'
My Entry screen overview

Your submissions will need to be uploaded as part of your entry.


  1. How Does this work?: pop up with basic instructions for  managing your entry
  2. Add a new file
  3. Reuse previous: Choose from work uploaded for a previous "EntryThingy" Call submission.
  4. Select from my artwork: Paid storage accounts are available, but are not required for submission to any Call. Don't sign up for a paid storage option, it is unnecessary.
  5. Entry instructions: View the instructions
  6. See jury view: see how the jury will see your submissions
  7. Delete entry: select to start over

HOW DOES THIS WORK? (Pop-up contents)

This is how it works:

  • Click the Add file button on the left (next to 'Files for this Entry') to add files to your entry. Use the [move up] and [move down] links for each file to change the order of the files for the jury view.
  • Click [edit] on the right (next to 'General Entry Information') to edit the general information of your entry.
  • Click [see jury view] above to see how the jury will see your entry.

When you're happy with the general information entry (see below), you've added your files and sorted them the way you want them to be presented to the jury, click the 'SUBMIT THIS ENTRY' button.

Questions? Please click over to theFAQ for Artistsfor answers to frequently asked questions.

Add files to your entry

  1. Select 'Add file'
  2. Enter the required information about the piece
  3. Choose 'Upload File'
  4. Choose the file

or for videos

  1. Choose 'Link to  web page'
  2. Enter the url for viewing the video
  3. Select 'Upload'
  4. Add a additional pieces by selecting 'Add piece'


Manage and submit the Entry

  1. Preview the entry to see what the jury will see
  2. Uploads can be reviewed and edited prior to submitting the entry.
  3. additional views of 3D work or enlarged details may be added as part of the piece. These images will be grouped for viewing by the jury
  4. The order for viewing the piece can be changed by moving its display order "down" or "up"
  5. Piece information may be edited
  6. An undesired piece may be deleted prior to the final submission
  7. General information about the entire Entry (all pieces) can also be reviewed and edited
  8. Once satifised that everything is ready choose 'Submit This Entry'
  9. Final Instructions will appear on the submitted entry page.
  10. You don't need to Print the Entry. Ignore this button.


After 'Submit This Entry' is selected A pop-up will appear with the following message Read it  and make sure the entry is in order before selecting' OK' says


Have you added all of your pieces/ artwork for this entry? You'll only need another entry if you want to apply in a different category.

Are the pieces in the order you want them to be shown to the jury?

Have you double checked your piece titles and other information?

Have you double checked your profile information (My Profile link above) and your General Entry Information below?

If not, please click 'Cancel' and click [add piece] to continue adding pieces to this entry. You can use [move up] and [move down] to change the order of your pieces for the jury. You can click [edit] for each piece to edit the title and other piece information.

Otherwise click 'Ok' to continue.

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