CIA's emergency notification system enables the Institute to send urgent news to your cell phone, email and voicemail.
This system enables us to directly send you TXT, Email and Voice notifications which contain:
1. Emergency information
2. School closings
3. Weather-related schedule changes
It will not be used for general CIA announcements.
Depending on your personal cell phone plan, there may be a nominal fee from your carrier to receive text messages, but there is no charge from the Institute to use this service.
All students and employees are pre-registered for CIA Alerts based on information currently on file with the Institute. This includes name and CIA email address. Student cell phone numbers are also preloaded (if provided).
To ensure that you will be notified you must verify and update your personal information.
Family members whom you wish to receive Alerts should be added as additional email addresses and or phone numbers within your account. You may have a maximum of 2 SMS (TXT) numbers, 6 Email addresses and 4 Voice numbers listed.

Using your web Browser of choice, navigate to
- Or while on open the Alerts Tab
- There is no need to log into myCIA to access your CIA Alerts account.
- Launch your account dashboard
- Login with your CIA login credentials
If your account dashboard loads immediately, don't worry. This means you are already logged in to your CIA account.
CIA Alerts Account Dashboard

Your account dashboard has two tabs
- "Services" lists current email addresses and phone numbers. Email addresses and phone numbers are entered or edited here.
- "Groups" displays the groups to which you belong as well as those to which you may subscribe.
CIA Alerts Services Tab

- Add an additional phone number or email address.
- Choose the Carrier
- Click button to submit the addition.
A service cannot be updated. It can only be made Inactive or Deleted.
Incorrect service information should be deleted and the correct information then entered as a new entry.
Multiple contacts may be used for each service.
- 2 SMS (TXT) numbers
- 6 Email addresses
- 4 Voice numbers
Validate New Service information
SMS (TXT) Numbers

- New service information will need to be validated.
- SMS (TXT) numbers will be sent a validation code. Enter the code received and press validate.
Email Addresses

- New email addresses will need to be validated
- Email addresses will receive an email containg a validation link.
- Open the email and click "Validate" to activate the new email address.

- A confirmation message will appear in the web browser
- The new email address will be marked as Active
Voice Numbers

- Add a new Voice Number
- Voice numbers are added with no need for Validation.
Delete or Deactivate a Service
Deleting a Service

Deleting a service removes it completely from the subscriber account.
- Click "Delete"
- Note that the confirmation message does not state the exact service to be deleted. Make sure you are deleting the desired service.
- Click "OK" to delete.
Making a Service Inactive

Making a service Inactive does not remove the information from the subscriber account. It may be reactivated at a later time if desired.
- Click "Inactivate." There is no confirmation window
- The service simply becomes Inactive with an option to "Activate" or "Delete"