This article will serve as a guide on how to properly set your WheniWork availability for the semester.
Upon logging in, navigate to the right hand side and click on your account. A drop down will appear and you will click "My Availability".

Navigate to the first week of the semester and begin filling your availability for Monday - Sunday. You must click on each individual day of the week in order to add your availability. There is a navigation button in the top right that will allow you to navigate days, weeks, or months.

You will have the option to turn on your availability or choose "Unavailable" for that day of the week.
Next, make sure to set your available time frame that you can work on that specific day of the week.

Upon entering your availability or unavailability, for a specific day please make sure to turn on "Repeats" and select "Week", and select the last date of the semester, so that it will fill in your availability for the whole semester.

Once you have filled out your availability for an entire week, you will see that your availability for the whole semester will be filled in.
Make sure you filled out all available times and any timeframes you are unavailable. You can add multiple entires into each day of the week.
(Ex. Thursdays I am available from 9:00am to 1:00pm and 5:00pm to 11:00pm, but I'm unavailable from 1:00pm to 5:00pm)

You can also add notes to all of your times.
(Ex. I have class during this time.)

Upon finalizing your availability, your DOC managers will be notified by WheniWork that you have updated your availability.