The CIA store has been expanded to allow studentsto manage products related CIA approved clubs and organization fundraising, creativity works and seasonal sales (Holiday and Spring). This article will walk you through the basic steps for adding a product, setting its price and inventory, defining product variants and their prices.
Item Submission
- The Seller Dashboard can be accessed from
- Student Sale Resources page
- Holiday Sale Item Submission Form
Log into your CIA Store seller account.
Read about creating an account or resetting a forgotten password.
- Email/Username: your CIA student email address
- Password: provided password or reset password
- Choose "Login"

- If you see a message that your "Session Expired"
- "Open the Seller Dashboard" and login from Student Sale Resources page or Holiday Sale Item Submission Form

Seller Dashboard
- Once logged in you will see your seller Dashboard.

Adding Products
You will only have one product for a Sale. All of your items will be a Variant of the product.
Your Product must be named "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#"
Replace YY with the two digit current year!
Student Account ID # can be found on the Student tab of myCIA.
"Name of Sale" will be communicated by Sale leaders after consultation with Online Services.
- Open the Products menu
- Choose Product Listing

- The products page will be blank before products are added
- Choose "Add Product"
You will only have one product for a Sale. All of your items will be a Variant of the product.
Your Product must be named "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#"
Replace YY with the two digit current year!
Student Account ID # can be found on the Student tab of myCIA.
"Name of Sale" will be communicated by Sale leaders after consultation with Online Services.

The Add Product Window
You will only have one product for a Sale. All of your items will be a Variant of the product.
Your Product must be named "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#"
Replace YY with the two digit current year!
Student Account ID # can be found on the Student tab of myCIA.
"Name of Sale" will be communicated by Sale leaders after consultation with Online Services.
Click and Expand the sections below for more information about each area of the Add Product window.
You will create a default product and save it before adding the variant items.
It does not matter which item you start with as default.
- Choose Product: Normal Product is the only option
- Product Name: "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#" (Replace YY with the two digit current year, Student Account ID # can be found on the Student tab of myCIA.)
- Product Type: Choose "Name of Sale" This will also add your product to the Category so it appears in the POS (Point of Sale) for the cashier to charge the buyer
- Description: Enter a brief description of your product if desired. (no one else will see it)
Using the correct "Product Name Format" aids in efficiency and avoids confusion.
- Barcodes are created for products without searching through old listings.
- Sale payments are associated with the correct person by name and ID #

Products that require taxes must be marked with "Requires Shipping" or the tax will not be added to the item when sold.
- Enter the price for the Default item.
- Leave Compare at price Blank
- Check "Charge Taxes On This Product"
Fees are included in your selling price and will be subtracted from your gross sales by the Business Office before you receive payment.
SAA retains 4% of sale price as a service fee. (this percentage may not reflect the current fee, check with SAA)
When in Doubt, charge Tax. Most sales require tax. If you don''t charge tax, it will be withheld from your profits.
- Choose "Track this Product's Inventory"
- Specify the number of items you have for the product
Tracking inventory is Required for barcode label creation.
Quantity determines the number of printed product barcode labels you will receive. Labels are required for selling. If you expect to add products the second day you should include them in your quantity in order to receive enough labels.
CIA provides up to 168 labels. A PDF of your barcodes will be provided for you to produce additional barcodes if desired. Sellers with Printed product are encouraged to include the barcode in the print file to avoid the need for printed labels.

You will only have one product for a Sale. All of your items will be a Variant of the product.
Your Product must be named "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#"
Replace YY with the two digit current year!
Student Account ID # can be found on the Student tab of myCIA.
"Name of Sale" will be communicated by Sale leaders after consultation with Online Services.
Variants of a product are normally the same product with variations related to size, color, and material. However...
For efficient barcode creation it is required to only have one product named "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#" which contains each of your Sale items as a variant.
- Before continuing "Save Changes"
5.1. Adding or Editing Variants (sale items)
After saving the product the Variant Details are ready to edit
- Select Add Variant
- Select 'Edit' to edit an existing Variant
The Variant Edit window is where all of the Sale Items will be added.
The first item is labeled Default. All fields except Title will copy from the default item. Rename the Default item to one of your items.
- If necessary rename "Default" to the name of one of your items and Select Save
If a Title is visible you are editing an existing variant. Any changes you make will change that variant. Add another variant will copy everything from the default variant except the title.
Don't waste your time changing the same variant multiple time only to find out you don't have any other variants.
- Select ' + Add Another Variant'
- Add the item name in Title
- Enter Variant price
- Taxes are required for sales open to the public keep the box checked
- Inventory tracking is required for barcode creation
- Enter the expected number of the item you will have at the sale. Printed barcodes are based on this number. Plan for what you expect to have at the sale.
- Save Changes and repeat steps until all items have been entered.
After editing the Variant Details (adding your items)
- Use the "<Back To..." link and return to the Edit Product page

DO NOT EDIT Collections! (Unless you receive sale specific direction to do so.)
No boxes should be checked.
Student Sale categories/collections are set up to recognize the product based on the Product Type in Product Details

Do not add your items to any Collections. (Unless you receive sale specific direction to do so.)

Products must be entered with an inventory quantity by the specified date.
Refer to the Sale instructions for the sale timeline and updates.
Barcode label quantities are generated based on products labeled "Your Name(person or group)- Name of Sale YY AccountID#" and their variant (item) inventories.
Printed artworks will need to include the barcode in the artwork before printing. This allows for the printed artwork to be ready for sale right away.