How to print on campus from your personal Apple laptop

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First, you need the Papercut Client. This application tracks your prints and shows your balance. Without this app, you won't be able to connect to any printers on campus.

To download the Papercut client,

  1. Go to
  2. Log in
  3. Click "Copy Print and Scan" from the left side menu
  4. Download the "Student Mac OS Papercut Client" from the right side menu

Once the client is downloaded, you need to install it. Open the StudentPCClient.dmg from your downloads. The PCclient will open after a moment.

To finish the download, drag the PCClient into the Applications folder.

1. Click Applications in your Finder.

2. Launch the PCClient and log in with your CIA credentials.

You know the application is open if:

1. The PaperCut client is in your menu bar.

2. Your balance is visible.

ANYTIME YOU WANT TO PRINT YOU MUST HAVE THIS APPLICATION OPEN. Save a shortcut to your desktop if that is easiest.

Once the Papercut Client is installed and open, you need to install the printers you want to use in your System Preferences.

Select the "Printers & Scanners" menu.

Click the "Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax..." to add a printer. (remember PaperCut needs to be open)

In the Add menu, select IP.

1. The Address is ""

2. Select the "Queue" (aka Printer name) you want to connect with in the chart below, and type it here. It must be the exact same as the chart.

3. Name the Printer. This can be any name you want.

4. Give the printer a location. This can be anything you want too.

5. In the drop down, click "Select Software" and pick the driver listed in the chart below that corresponds with the printer you want to connect with. An example is below the chart.

The printer address and queue must be exactly as written. If the address and/or queue are spelled incorrectly, you won't be able to print.

Printer Name (The Queue) Location Driver Needed
223-SH1 Room 223 - South HP LaserJet 700 M712
223-SH2 Room 223 - North HP LaserJet 700 M712
Room 324 HP LaserJet 5200

1. Search for the printer's driver.

2. Select the driver that matches the chart. (If you don't see your driver, click the blow link)

If you can't find your printer's driver, you need to download and install it. Search for HP Printer Drivers from Apple at

When all the information is correct, and the right driver is selected, click Add.

1. The printer will then be further "Set Up". All prints at CIA have Duplex abilities, so select the box marked "Duplex Unit". For all other settings and configurations, check the printer.

2. Click OK

You can add all the printers available through student laptops using this walkthrough. Remember to select your Default Printer if you expect to be using one printer more than others.

If you encountered an issue at any stage of this process, please use the form at to report your problem.

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